วันจันทร์ที่ 28 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2558


#. This is just my 'personal' view so  if I said somethings that you don't like it I'm sorry -/ \- 

Even though it said 30 day, I'm just gonna blast through it (caz I'm lazy)

`` #1. Favourite Male Seiyuu ``

Well well~ what a difficult question right off the bat =w='' Definately!! YUSA KOUJI!! I really like Yusa-san's voice... It's just soooo =//= ... There are alot of anime character that I like that he voiced. If it was a few months ago, I would answer Kakihara Tetsuya but after I watch otomate party and I saw Yusa-san... I'm like... 

`` #2. Least Favourite Male Seiyuu ``

I don't think I have anyone in particular... Each seiyuu have different voice and I respect everyone of them. > /\ <

`` #3. Favourite Female Seiyuu ``

What can I say about this amzing voice~ Yup! that's right!! It's Sawashiro Miyuki-san!! I reallyy don't know what to say about her super amzing voice -///-. I fell in love with her voice when I watch durarara! seiyuu even and I was like... woahhh... is this Celty's seiyuu?// I"M GONNA WATCH DURARARA RIGHT NOWWWW!!

`` #4. Least Favourite Female Seiyuu ``

Once again, I don't have any seiyuu that I don't like. I respect their voice, their hard-working, and their amazing acting abilities. :) 

`` #5. A Seiyuu You'd Watch in Anything ``

I need to give to SUZUMURA KENICHI-san for this one. Like you know, D-Gray man is definately a great anime but for me, there is some part of the anime that is just too dark (if you know what i mean). Of course there are super super super funny scene also. But anytime Lavi appears, I'm like

`` #6. A Seiyuu that Always Make You Laugh! ``

Who would not agree with me for this one!! MIYANO MAMORU will DEFINATELY make you laugh! Everytime Mamo-chan appears in any events, it will always be something to looking forward to. Event sometimes can be very awkward but Mamo-chan can lightens up that event into a new whole level LOL!! Btw, love his dance moves.

`` #7. The Seiyuu You Recognise the Easiest ``

Well, These two are probably the one that I recognise the easiest. What can I say, as you know, they have that very unique voice already so I think that's why they're very easy to recognise for people who just started watching evening or anime and stuff. And also, there also Ono Daisuke, Kamiya, Hiroshi, Toriumi Kousuke, Hiro Shimono, and Kaiji Yuki that I can point out the first time I watch some of the seiyuu events. 

`` #8. The Seiyuu You Recognise the Hardest ``

Some of the female Seiyuu can be pretty hard for me to recognise since I don't really watch them. But if it was a male seiyuu... I would probably say TAKAHASHI HIROKI (Squalo Reborn). I know it's quite easy for some people to remembered him but for me it took quite some time =^=''. When I first watch otomate party and saw Takahashi-san, I was like... hmmm.. I think I saw him somewhere before. And after a few minutes of researching through his acting roles... I'm like... OHHHHH!! HE'S THAT SQUALO FROM REBORNNN OHH~~ I REMEMBER NOWWWW!! Yup... it's something like that I remember it very CLEARLY!

`` #9. A Seiyuu You Would Not Watch in Anything ``

I don't have that kind of moments though =3= I would watch any anime as long as it interests me. 

`` #10. A Seiyuu that Creeps You out ``

Not anyone in particular 

`` #11. The Seiyuu with the Best Singing Voice ``

MY HAIR FLIPPIN' STANDS UP EVERYTIME WHEN I HEARD 'SUZUKI TATSUHINA' SINGS IN A LIVE PERFORMANCE!!! No kidding!! I remembered watching him sings in uta no prince and Free! events about 100+ times... I-I-I-It melts my hearttttttttt~~ 

`` #12. A Seiyuu You Have a Crush on ``

Just to make sure... romantic crush right? not a fan crush -/-? 

K-E-N-N !! K-E-N-N !! K-E-N-N !! K-E-N-N !! K-E-N-N !! K-E-N-N !! K-E-N-N !!

I want to be at the otomate party and seat on that SAN JU ROKU BAN SEATS!! #36 (anyone who watch otomate party probably know what i'm talkin' about) I first fell in love with him at Rebocon when he sings with Kondo-san. I then fell in love with him all over again in otomate party when he dressed that butler outfits -/-. My dream right now is probably go to Japan and see him in a live events. 

`` #13. The Seiyuu You would pick to Play you ``

Please don't ask why, KUGIMIYA RIE-san just poops into my head. =w=
Btw, i love Kagura

`` #14. Your Favourite Role from Your Favourite Male ``

❥ Harada Sanosuke (Hakuouki)
❥ Hakutaku (Hoozuki no Reitetsu)
❥ Tsugitachi (Karneval)
❥ Hyuuga (Uta no Prince-sama)

`` #15. Your Favourite Role from Your Favourite Female ``

❥ Seri (K Project)
❥ Izuna (No Game No Life)
❥ Shion (Psycho-Pass)

`` #16. The Seiyuu with The worst Singing Voice  ``

I think that when seiyuu sing, they have to be like that character to sing. For example, Sawabe-san voices Ren in Uta no prince-sama, so when he sings, he need to be like Ren's character is singing. (I bad at explaininggg -/\-) So I don't think any seiyuu have a bad singing voice, it's also depend on the character on they're acting.

`` #17. The Series with the Best Cast Overall  ``

❥ Uta no Prince-sama

❥ Fairy Tail

❥  Durarara!

❥ Diamond no Ace

❥  Gangsta

❥ Karneval

❥ Hamatora The Animation

❥ Magi The Kingdom of Magic

(And more~ lol)

`` #18. A Series You would not have watched ....... ``

I'm sorry but I'm very confused with this question = /\ =

`` #19.  The First Seiyuu You Remembered Liking  ``

Yup~ That's MORIKUBO SHOWTARO-san!~ Okita Souji (from Hakuouki) is my first male  anime character that I love (and by love I mean like... obsessed -/////-) like, no matter how much I like anime boy out there, Souji will always be my number one. (We have that kind of relationship =/////=) So that's probably the reason why I like Morikubo-san. becaz of Souji lol.

`` #20. A Seiyuu that You don't like as much as other do  ``

For the hundredth times(?), I don't have any seiyuu that I don't like. Period =w=b. 

`` #21. The Seiyuu with the most Acting Range  ``

OHAYOPPUUUUUU!!! It's NAKAMURA YUUICHI DESSU~~ His ACTING are supeb . No kiddings. No joking. No exaggerating. I seriously was DUMDFOUNDED when I found out that he voice Ringo in Uta no prince-sama. SERIOUSLY DID NOT EXPECTED THAT COMING. NAKAMURA-SANNN YOU ARE SO KAKKOIIIIIII~~!!!!

`` #22. The Seiyuu with the LEAST Acting Range  ``

I don't think there is any seiyuu like that = ='' If they're bad, I don't think the company would hired them =O='' (?)

`` #23. Cool Dude Seiyuu  ``
Damm... I already pick Nakamura Yuuichi-san (trying not to pick the same seiyuu)

YAAHAAAAA~~ Okay... I'm going with Asanuma Shintaro-san ~~!! I think he's really cool in my point of view. I love how he like to sings the Dia no Ace op song (GO EXCEED) in a different way of the original lol. Btw, Kuramocchi, Daisuki dayo~~~ >/////< 

`` #24. A Seiyuu You Make Fun of  ``
In a GOOD WAY right?

Hiro Shimono ~~ Sometimes, I just thought that he is just soooo ..... so I want to tease him =3= BUT in a good way though.

`` #25. A Seiyuu that makes you like any character they portray ``

Sometimes, I hate it when guy take advantages of me. Especially if he lock you in a cage. HINO SATOSHI makes me like Toma from Amnesia (Even though you know that Toma have that you-know-what side) I just can't help it and like him. I'm impress at how Hino-san help (I can't remember his name =3=) ... at the otomate party when other senpais are teasing him lol.

`` #26. A Seiyuu You'd Hang Out With ``
Another Hard question.... =3=

                      Kaiji Yuuki                                              Sakurai Takahiro

Osaka Ryota                                                Ono Yuuki

Hatano Wataru

(All of them are from Dia no Ace lol. Can't help it. I love Dia no Ace and the seiyuu >///<)

`` #27. Best Seiyuu Match-up ``

These two comes to my mind first when I think about seiyuu-matchups. Kamiya Hiroshi-san and Ono Daisuke-san~~ I love that they voice in durarara! together.

`` #28. Best Seiyuu Match-up ; Romance Edition ``

Suzumura Kenichi & Maaya Sakamoto are so cuteeeee togetherrrrr >x< !!!~~

`` #29. Least Favourite Seiyuu Ever ``

No comment. Period.

`` #30. Favourite Seiyuu EVERR ``

Okay, so I have been thinking on this question since the beginning, My answer still won't change. My favourite seiyuu everrrr isssssss~~~~~~~~~


Norio Wakamoto-sannnn!!!!~~ 

I'm not sure if lots of people know him or not but he's actually in ALOT of anime. I just need to mention his name because I respect his acting abilities alot and omg.... his voice just makes my heart melttttt~~~

`` #30.5 (?) Favourite Seiyuu EVERR & EVERR & EVERRR ``
-Special edition lol-


#. Thank you very much for reading my blog! .#

